/ WP Line Rotary table

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Technical Specification

Lathe positioner with opposing tables (one motorized and one idle: fixed to the ground or mobile) with one axis: rotation (motorized at variable speed) and designed

specifically for long and rotating workpieces.

A typical application includes the manufacture of wind towers, trailer frames, pipes or beams. The load capacity ranges from 1,000 to 20,000 kg



Payload Motorized kg

Payload Mot. + idle kg

Plate Diameter mm

Torque momento kgmt

Tilting Moment kgmt

Rotation Speed rpm/min

Hmin Hmax mm**

0.5 / 1.0 500 1000 900 65 100 0 - 0,90 600 - 1200
1.5 / 3.0 1500 3000 1000 180 450 0 - 0,70 600 - 1200
2.5 / 5.0 2500 5000 1200 300 750 0 - 0,60 800 - 1800
5.0 / 10.0 5000 10000 1200 500 1200 0 - 0,50 800 - 1800
8.0 / 16.0 8000 16000 1500 900 4000 0 - 0,40 900 - 2000
12.5 / 25.0 12500 25000 1500 1600 7000 0 - 0,35 900 - 2000

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